I love your site; have been reading it for a while, so you'll see there's alink to it on this new blog of mine--hope that's good with you. I'm honored to have had a visit. Hope to see you again. :) Everyone, visit Shay's blog. She gives great advice (among the many other good things she gives, I'm sure).
The peach is indeed a pretty hot looking fruit. And at least now I see why this is a sexeteria rather than your standard sexmart or sexopolis or sexdome or sexadamia or sexemporium. Other than you stealing it from Futurama, of course :P Anyway, keep serving it up. Speaking of sex and cooking, are the programs on the food network directed by ex-porn directors? Gratuitous close-ups, reaction shots of people eating in a state of extasy, and unusally bright lighting. I think Emeril has even been slipping in more double entendres than usual. Food for thought.
you didn't read my "virgin post!" i explain why the name there. in realilty, my idea for the name actually came from the Simpsons (connected to Futurama), but in fact found out right as i started up the blog that the actual name was used on Futurama, which I didn't know, as I watched Futurama quite rarely.
BUT which I am quite happy with, because great minds think alike.
I bought a swag of peaches at my grocer yesterday, arrived home today from work, and I nearly blew my fuse. Two left. They're irrestistable, especially when ripe, chilled and bitten into.
But, now I know (I think) why the Presidents of the USA sang about 'Peaches' (lol). It took me a while.
Mmmmm that peach looks so tasty ^_^
Hiya, Shay, honey!
I love your site; have been reading it for a while, so you'll see there's alink to it on this new blog of mine--hope that's good with you. I'm honored to have had a visit. Hope to see you again. :) Everyone, visit Shay's blog. She gives great advice (among the many other good things she gives, I'm sure).
The peach is indeed a pretty hot looking fruit. And at least now I see why this is a sexeteria rather than your standard sexmart or sexopolis or sexdome or sexadamia or sexemporium. Other than you stealing it from Futurama, of course :P
Anyway, keep serving it up.
Speaking of sex and cooking, are the programs on the food network directed by ex-porn directors? Gratuitous close-ups, reaction shots of people eating in a state of extasy, and unusally bright lighting. I think Emeril has even been slipping in more double entendres than usual. Food for thought.
dante, you busy blogging bee,
you didn't read my "virgin post!" i explain why the name there. in realilty, my idea for the name actually came from the Simpsons (connected to Futurama), but in fact found out right as i started up the blog that the actual name was used on Futurama, which I didn't know, as I watched Futurama quite rarely.
BUT which I am quite happy with, because great minds think alike.
Mmmm, yes eating peaches is such a sensual, delicious experience.
I had a friend once comment though that eating kiwis always reminded her of eating pussy.
I bought a swag of peaches at my grocer yesterday, arrived home today from work, and I nearly blew my fuse. Two left. They're irrestistable, especially when ripe, chilled and bitten into.
But, now I know (I think) why the Presidents of the USA sang about 'Peaches' (lol). It took me a while.
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